Please reach out using our contact form below — or however you feel is best.
Also, please do not send sensitive information (like account numbers) through our contact form. It's better to call, visit, or use our secure e-mail for sensitive matters.
Bank Toll-Free Number: (866) 530-2265
Loan Servicing Toll-Free Number: (855) 450-7712
You can also see our locations & hours page for specific Banking Center information.
Send a Secure E-mail
If you have questions or need assistance, please send us a secure e-mail. If you have not already registered on our secure message center, you will need to click the link next to "First Time Users" and follow the instructions. For additional information regarding our encrypted email solution, see our FAQ on email encryption.
Report a Lost or Stolen Card
To report a lost or stolen debit card, please call (888) 297-3416.
If you are a personal customer and need to report a lost or stolen credit card, please call 1-800-558-3424.
If you are a business customer and need to report a lost or stolen credit card, please call 1-866-552-8855.
Report an Error
If you believe an error has occurred related to your mortgage loan that we are servicing, please send your written statement of the error or request for information to us at the address below as soon as possible. You may also deliver your written comments or request to one of our convenient banking center locations.
American Momentum Bank
Loan Operations
500 S. Washington Blvd., 3rd Floor
Sarasota, FL 34236
File a Complaint
General Complaints - How to contact American Momentum Bank
American Momentum Bank is committed to providing exceptional customer service. We welcome the opportunity to address any concerns you may have. We encourage you to contact us using one of the following options:
By Mail:
American Momentum Bank
600 N. Marienfeld, Ste. 200
Midland TX 79701
Attn: Customer Care
By Telephone: (866) 530-2265
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CT
Consumer Complaint Notice
American Momentum Bank is chartered under the laws of the State of Texas and by state law is subject to regulatory oversight by the Texas Department of Banking. Any consumer wishing to file a complaint against American Momentum Bank should contact the Texas Department of Banking through one of the means indicated below:
In Person or U.S. Mail:
2601 North Lamar Boulevard, Suite 300
Austin, Texas 78705-4294
Telephone Number: (877) 276-5554
Fax Number: (512) 475-1313
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.dob.texas.gov